Monday, April 16, 2007

Game Over Winter

Its been a dry snow season here (worst I have seen in my 27 years here in zion) Park City and Brighton closed this last weekend with a hardly any snow left... Here are some winter numbers we have been crunching on the Milo SLC store and staff: 2 blown knees, a baker's dozen pairs of different Holden pants sewn in, about 10 broken boards, 4 trips to Alaska, 1 wrecked VW Bug, 4 fasion mullets, over 800 days of combined riding from the crew, 19 big bricks of One Ball Jay wax, sold 453 Brighton passes, sold 381 Milo beanies, 1 quitter (Twiggs)....Also Big Trav now has a boo, sorry ladies. It's now time to start skateboarding again! Lizard King was in here earlier and is now half Greaser and half tour de france bike racer. A new skatepark is being built in Rose Park and many outdoor skateparks here in utah have been open for the past few months, and are as crowded as ever. A few of the favorites of the milo staff are: 9th and 9th (aka Pranksta Nation)(aka eastside kids are afraid of stuff thats different), and Guff. Oh and one more thing I almost forgot....Biggest news of the year: After a little dryspell, milo's own Scary Perry is well on his way to the good life with his Girl. Congrats (he's still scary as ever).
-Monday Milo Crew

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