Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sunday, May 18, 2008

MIlosport Sojo Comp. Recap

So the 1st Milosport summer skateboard competition went down at the South Jordan Skatepark on Saturday the 17th with broken bones, old guys showing they still got the skills and a 1st ever girl placing in the top three.

We decided to run a different format this year, instead of the classic 1 minute run, we decided to do a jam format, which was 15 minute heats for each division with no more than 15 contestants in each heat and had judges stationed at several different obstacles throughout the skatepark. Which means more skating more often!!

Here are the standings for the 3 different divisions:


1st Jeremy Hirst

2nd Luis

3rd Jennifer


1st Sergio Rivera

2nd Daniel Roman

3rd Christian Ridgeway


1st Ben Dickerson

2nd Jed Fuller

3rd Jovi B

We want to give a special shout out to Jessee Trujillo, he skated so hard in the Intermediate finals he broke his arm. Jessee we hope you get better and are skating again soon!!

We also wanted to say good job to Milo Sojo's very own Casey Ross he made the Advanced finals in his 1st ever skate comp!!

Everyone check back soon we should have some pictures up of this comp. and also info on our next comp. which should be held sometime in June at the Rosepark Skatepark.